Reclaim the Dream
We believe we can reclaim the California Dream.
To restore our Golden State to its premiere status of earlier years, we believe that California needs policies that work for ALL Californian’s – not just corporations or the 1%.
Together we are driving fair, state-wide policies that:
1. Invest in the services that our communities need most. As the state begins to rebound from the Great Recession, California must restore the $20 billion in cuts to critical services by:
- Funding safety net programs and healthcare for the people who need it most, like care for seniors and programs that help people get back on their feet.
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- Implementing the Affordable Care Act with enough money to provide care to ALL the uninsured.
[Find out more here and here]
- Implementing the Local Control Funding Formula to give more money to the schools most in need.
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- Shifting funds from building more prisons to long-term programs and policies that reduce arrests and jail time.
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2. Raise revenue by closing the loopholes that allow big corporations and the richest 1% to avoid paying taxes so that everyone in California is contributing their fair share to our state.
3. Create good paying jobs so that working 40 hours a week means making enough to stay out of poverty.
4. Expand democracy so that all Californians can have their voices heard.
We believe in the possible.
California Calls believes there is strength in numbers. To date, California Calls has identified 625,000 voters who believe a better California is possible and are committed to vote in every election to ensure that we get there.
Since 2009, California Calls has conducted one-to-one conversations with over 800,000 voters across the state.
Using cutting-edge technology as well as more traditional methods like knocking on doors, grassroots leaders from California Calls’ 31 member organizations contact hundreds of thousands of voters a year to educate and engage them in solving our state’s chronic budget crisis.
Our anchor organizations train grassroots leaders to reach out to their neighbors using targeted lists, tailored talking points and in-language outreach in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese.
By 2016, California Calls plans to engage and motivate 1 million new and infrequent voters to vote for policies that rebuild California.
United together, we can advocate for change and have our elected officials pay attention. When they grasp the collective power of voters engaged not just during elections—but all year-round—they will be more interested to follow through on promises.