The Bay Area
The Bay area is known for its diversity, progressive politics, social movement history, and innovation in the tech sector. It is home to large immigrant communities and over 112 languages are spoken in this region. Although many residents profited during the tech boom of the late 1990s and early 2000s, their less wealthy neighbors are dealing with fallout resulting from gentrification, loss of jobs and the rising cost of living. Many have moved out to areas like the Central Valley where housing is cheaper.
California Calls anchors work to ensure that Bay Area voters are actively engaged in the decision-making process that impacts their lives and deal head-on with issues like affordable housing and quality job creation. These organizations have been instrumental in increasing the local minimum wage, creating an affordable housing trust fund, passing a parcel tax to save community colleges, ensuring access to good jobs for formerly incarcerated residents, and much more.
Working Partnerships, USA
Working Partnerships USA, founded in 1995, is an independently funded social change organization founded by labor and community groups that equips everyday people to participate and win in developing a fair and free society. Their areas of expertise include economic research and analysis, government accountability and reform, health care, organizing and leadership development. Their work is centered in Santa Clara County.
2102 Almaden Rd.
San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 269-7872
Oakland Rising
Oakland Rising educates and mobilizes voters in East and West Oakland’s neighborhood. Their current work focuses on building a permanent political/electoral infrastructure; exercising and expanding political influence; and aligning organizations and coordinating with other progressive forces. Their areas of expertise include the City of Oakland, Oakland politics, local tax and fiscal policy, voter engagement/field, instant run-off voting, and Oakland elections.
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 261-2600
San Francisco Rising
San Francisco Rising is an alliance of base-building organizations rooted in San Francisco’s working-class communities and communities of color. Their multiracial electoral field campaigns amplify existing organizing in our communities and bring that power to the ballot box Their areas of expertise include: San Francisco politics, community organizing, youth programs.
San Francisco Rising
c/o Causa Justa :: Just Cause
2301 Mission St., Suite 201
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 684-3473