Today a new administration enters the White House, formally ushering in a new moment in our fight and struggle for justice. As the architecture of this new government begins to take shape so does our battle against a dangerously divisive right wing and a staunchly pro-corporate agenda.
For the past several months our collective movement has begun the work of organizing and mobilizing for this moment and while much is uncertain, what’s clear is that in this new moment, California can and must lead the future of the progressive resistance to protect the gains we’ve made, but also use our power to continue to push for the bold changes our communities need.
Over the last two decades the progressive movement has made extraordinary gains in California — building power to successfully push back against the attacks of the 1990s, like three strikes and the anti-immigrant Prop 187. And yet, despite our progress, still far too many of our families, friends, and neighbors are the targets of state violence, racial profiling, low wages, underfunded schools, deteriorating services, and lack access to basic needs like affordable housing and clean air and water.
We know that when we come together and organize on the ground (and online 📲) we can build a movement by and for Californians that protects and uplifts all communities.
Only by building a groundswell from the Bay to San Diego working with and mobilizing families, young leaders, African-Americans, Latinos, Asian Pacific Islanders, immigrants, refugees, people of faith, the formerly incarcerated can we create the change our moment requires.
And this is exactly the type of movement we have begun to build as part of the We Are California campaign.
Over the next few years there are 5 key battles our movement will take on: Immigration, Healthcare, Tax Policy, Criminal Justice, Environmental Justice.
Fired up 🔥? Here’s how you can join these fights from day one.
1.) Immigration

California is home to 2.67 million undocumented immigrants, the most of any state in the country. With the incoming administration having already proposed a wave of anti-immigrant policies like mass deportations and the repeal of DACA — now more than ever California must stand together in solidarity with immigrants and refugees to protect against hateful attacks and policies.
California organizations working on immigration advocacy:
Southern California: Alliance San Diego, Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans, CHIRLA, CARECEN.
Central Valley/Central Coast: Dolores Huerta Foundation, CAUSE (Santa Barbara, Ventura), Communities for a New California (Coachella, Fresno, Merced).
Northern California: San Francisco Rising.
Statewide: Mobilize the Immigrant Vote, PICO-California,, SEIU, NDLON, ACLU.
2.) Healthcare

The Affordable Care Act has expanded access to healthcare for millions of Californians and it is currently under serious attack. Over 4.9 million Californians — our kids, our grandparents, our neighbors with pre-existing conditions — currently stand to lose their health insurance.
With the Senate already taking steps to gut the Affordable Care Act, now is the time to stand up and demand that our legislators fight for the health of all Californians.
California organizations working on healthcare advocacy:
Southern California: Community Coalition, Black Women for Wellness, ACCE- LA.
Central Valley/Central Coast: Dolores Huerta Foundation, CAUSE (Santa Barbara, Ventura), Communities for a New California (Coachella, Fresno, Merced).
Northern California: San Francisco Rising, Oakland Rising.
Statewide: ACCE, SEIU, Health Access California.
✊🏽📲 How to take action now:
Tell your member of congress to protect the Affordable Care Act!
3.) Tax Policy

Over the last few years Californians have been increasingly vocal in demanding that those at the very top, who have benefited the most from our state, pay their fair share in taxes. In this last election, Californians passed Proposition 55, reaffirming a 2012 decision to raise taxes on the wealthy to fund schools and services.
Despite the progress we’ve made, there is more we can and should do to make sure big profitable big corporations contribute to funding schools, critical services, roads, and affordable housing. One critical way to protect California from potential federal budget cuts is to close the corporate property tax loophole created by Prop 13 that robs cities and counties from $9 billion every year in funding for local services.
California organizations working on tax policy:
Southern California: Community Coalition, SCOPE, Inner City Struggle, Alliance San Diego.
Central Valley/Central Coast: Dolores Huerta Foundation, CAUSE, Communities for a New California (Coachella, Fresno, Merced).
Northern California: Oakland Rising, San Francisco Rising, Working Partnerships USA.
Statewide: Make it Fair, ACCE, Courage Campaign.
4.) Criminal Justice

In the last two elections, California has taken steps to reduce it’s prison population and repair the damage to thousands of families torn apart by repressive sentencing laws. 20 years after 71% of Californians voted to pass the Three-Strikes initiative Prop 184, California passed sweeping criminal justice reform that has stemmed the build-up of California’s overcrowded and broken prison system.
Despite the progress made with the victories of Proposition 47 and 57, there is much work to do to reform a criminal justice that disproportionately incarcerates communities of color.
California organizations working on criminal justice reform:
Southern California: Community Coalition, LA Comunity Action Network, A New Way of Life Re-Entry Project, Inner City Struggle, Pillars of the Community, Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement, Time for Change Foundation, Alliance San Diego.
Central Valley/Central Coast: Dolores Huerta Foundation.
Northern California: Oakland Rising, Black Organizing Project, A Safe Return Project.
Statewide: PICO, ACLU, All of Us or None, Californians for Safety and Justice.
5.) Environmental Justice

California has long been at the forefront of environmental justice — implementing leading vehicle emission standards, placing strict caps on the emission of greenhouse gases, and brokering international environmental coalitions and alliances like the Under 2 MOU initiative.
Yet, many communities throughout our state — particularly communities of color, still lack access to clean air and water and green, open spaces. California can and should do better to reverse historical environmental injustice throughout our state.
California organizations working on environmental justice:
Southern California: SCOPE.
Central Valley/Central Coast: Dolores Huerta Foundation, CAUSE, Communities for a New California (Coachella, Fresno, Merced), Community Water Center.
Northern California: Oakland Rising.
Statewide: NextGen California,, Sierra Club, Coalition for Clean Air, California Environmental Justice Alliance, Asian Pacific Environmental Network, Courage Campaign.
The We Are California Team.