Author Archives: Yohan Ruparatne

“We Are California”: California Calls pilots bold plan to take civic engagement to a new level

Since 2009, California Calls and our anchors have worked year-round engaging voters through a masterful amalgam of traditional organizing tactics and innovative technology. Transforming the electorate to represent the population has been a central focus and a success – with 500,000 new and occasional voters turning out in the November 2012 election, and over 620,000…

Building Black Power and Infrastructure

Since the Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed, African American voters have been a powerful and consistent electoral force. For California, home to the fifth largest black population in the nation, this has translated as a powerful progressive political base central to passing policies that address community needs and electing policy makers who will advocate for…

Mobilizing 1 Million Strong in 2016 and Beyond

“Will voters turnout in November 2016?” That is the question on our minds after a record low voter turnout in 2014 and recent polls predicting that the country’s largest voting blocs will stay home on Election Day. California Calls’ answer to the question is a resounding “yes” – and we have a plan to make it happen…